FOHBC Virtual Museum Giving Campaign


The FOHBC thanks the following for their generosity:

Latest Update: 18 February 2025

Artwork generated for the FOHBC website, Facebook, and Antique Bottle & Glass Collector.

Fundraising as of February 2025 represents $116,873.




Joel Bartsch

Timothy and Melissa Boyd

Chris Bubash

Joan Cabaniss (Antique Poison Bottle Collectors)

Sandor P. Fuss

Horse Creek Antique Bottle & Pottery Club

John O’Neill

Louis Pellegrini

Reno Antique Bottle Club

Richard T. Siri

Bill Taylor

Richard & Kathleen Tucker

Dick Watson

Jeff Wichmann

GOLD Level


Bill & Bea Baab

Alan & Elaine DeMaison

Paul Hart

Robert Hiney

Holabird Western Americana Collections

Los Angeles Historical Bottle Club

North Star Historical Bottle Association

Northwestern Bottle Collectors Assn.

St. Louis Antique Bottle Club


2014 Lexington National Antique Bottle Show

2015 Chattanooga National Antique Bottle Show

2016 Sacramento National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo

2017 Springfield National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo

49ers Historical Bottle Assoc.

Donnels Creek Antiques (John Bartley) “In Memory of Mary & Paul Ballentine

Dr. Charles & Jane Aprill

John Feldmann

First Chicago Bottle Club

Donald & Peggy Fritschel

Michael George

Mark Hanna

Don Harlan (Don and Sarahs Antiques)

Terry Lindblom

Tom Lines

Manchester National raffle proceeds (not including donated flask)

Peter Maas

Mike & Julie Newman

John O’Neill

Tom & Nancy Paskiewicz

The Phoenix Antique Bottles and Collectibles Club

Tom Phillips Enterprises

San Diego Antique Bottle Club

Michael & Alice Seeliger

Betty Zumwalt


American Glass Gallery

Antique Bottle Club of Northern Illinois

Bob Barbour (initial Virtual Museum start-up campaign donation)

John & Margie Bartley

Custom Cleaning & Restoration (Christopher Bellizzi)

Greater Buffalo Bottle Collectors

John R. Barksdale

Ben Bouck

Sheldon & Brenda Baugh

James & Valeri Berry

Chuck Bukin

Jeff Burkhardt

Savy Chhith

Brian Commerton

Michael & Kathie Craig

Brandon DeWolfe

Paul Dubay

Bob Ferraro

Finger Lakes Bottle Collectors Association

FOHBC “In Memory of Gene Bradberry”

FOHBC “In Memory of Bob Ferraro”

Mark Freitag

Thomas J. Grove

Curt Haggar

Paul & Katherine Hart

Loretta Hildre

Jelly Jammers (Memorial for Anne Szope)

Jelly Jammers (Memorial for Meredith Robinson)

Jewell Services, LLC.

John Joiner

Susan & Randee Kaiser

Steve Ketcham

David Kyle

Las Vegas Bottles & Collectibles Club, Inc.

Michael Lee

Little Rhody Bottle Club

Matt McCaslin

David & Cynthia Maryo

Michael Moroney

Neil Moore & Ann Gravatt

Northwestern Bottle Collectors Association

Ohio Bottle Club

John & Claudia Panek

Tri-State Bottle Collectors and Diggers Club, Inc.

Reno Antique Bottle Club

John & Gail Ronald

Eric Schmettetling

Greg & Angela Spurgeon

Jack Sullivan

Ralph Van Brocklin, In Memory of from the FOHBC

South Carolina Bottle Club

Willy Van den Bossche

Western Michigan Antique Bottle Club

Frank Wicker

Eliot C. Winters

John & Mary Wolf


Barry M. Adams

Nancy Alfieri

American Digger (magazine)



Charles Argentine

Ralph Austin

Jim Bates

Greg Bair

Steve Baxter

Joanne Begert

Rick & Berny Baldwin

Mary Ballentine

James Bell

Jim Bender

Stephen T. Benko

Keith Bennett

Thomas Berger

Alicia Booth

Brad Booth

Gene Bradberry

John & Mary Bray | Bottletree Antiques

Jimmy Bray (Bray Signs)

George and Helen Brewster

Ken & Marie Brown

Chip Cable

Russell H. Carter

John Cheney

Bob Christ

Class Action Locator Service

Chris Cleaveland

Jim Corvin

Joe Coulson

Michael Craig

Gerald Dexter

Scott Elmer

Keith O. Evans

David Faith

Forrest Farrell

Dean Faust

Louis Fifer

Ralph & Janet Finch

Findlay Antique Bottle Club

George Wm. Fisher

Jerry Forbes

Joseph Franchino

Richard S. Gordon

Ed & Kathy Gray

Brett Gribble

D. Owen Grove

David S. Grove

Richard Harris

Gary Havens

Jay Hawkins

George & Edith Hermens

Juanne Herrold (in memory of Ed Herrold)

Michael & Letitia Hewins

Don & Gladys Hilgar

Garth Hodge

Walter Holland

Ted Hollinger

James D. Houdeshell

Brad Huey

Archie Huffstetler

Charles Jackson

David Jackson

Bob Jochums

Ryker Johnson

Clyde & Donna Jones

Betty Jordan

Patty Kaplan

Tim Kearns

Bob Kennerknect

Merrie Kernan

David & Shirley King

Marvin King

Steve Klan

Adam & Phyllis Koch

Terry Kovel

Joe & Wanda Kray

Ed & Diane Kuskie

Laverne Lacy

Craig Lane

Michael S. Lantz

David Larson

Rick & Karen Lease

Doug & Lori Leybourne

Welling Lifka Jr.

Tim Little

Loren & Donna Love

Mona Marple

Larry Marshall

Charles Martin

Keith & Donna McIntyre

Mike McJunkin

Steven Mello

Tom & Darlene Mendes

Donald G. Meyer

Karen Michels

Hunter Midcap


Art Miron

Allen Mitchell

Bill Mitchell

Bob Morgan

James Otto

John & Marianne Panella

Angelina Pellegrini

Henry Personius

Timothy Pillow

Carl & Nancy Poch

Allan T. Pollard

Roger Porter

Lee Richardson

Roy Robinson

Joe Salvadore

Paul D. Sampson

Colin Savage

Peter Savage

Michael & Alice Seeliger

Wes & Diane Seemann

Robert G. and Mary Jo Seifert

Bruce Shephard

Linda & Larry Shope

John Shuler

Glenn & Ann Sievert

James E. Smith

Wm C. (Bill) Smith

Phil Soehmlem

Dr. Burton Spiller

Jack Stecher

Edward L. Stephens Jr.

Christy Stewart

Erik Stoer

Vic Svendsen

Paul Taliaferro

Dr. C. Stanley & Kimberly Pool Tart

Liz Taylor

James K. Thompson

Roy Topka

Jon & Joy Vander Schouw

Joe & Sue Van Every

Karen Volkerts

Marty Vollmer

Bill Wakelam

John Ward

Bob Watson

Dale L. Wedel

Jeff Weinberg

Sean Werle

Dorothy K. Whited

Julianne Wolfe

Tom Woodside

Craig Wright

Dana Charlton Zarro

Donate now with PayPal or print out the form below and send it in with your payment.

Microsoft Word - donation letter #3.doc

virtual museum pledge card.xls