Meeting with Lexington Convention and Visitors Bureau, Director of Services, Bond Jacobs (second from left) are from left to right, National Show Co-chairs Sheldon Baugh and Randee Kaiser and 2nd Vice President Jamie Houdeshell and FOHBC Conventions Director, Tom Phillips.
2014 Lexington National Planning Field Trip
FOHBC board members plan for the 2014 National Antique Bottle Show in Lexington, Kentucky
by Randee Kaiser
On October 23rd, FOHBC Conventions Director Tom Phillips, 2nd Vice-President Jamie Houdeshell and National Show Co-chairs Sheldon Baugh and Randee Kaiser travelled to Lexington, Kentucky, for a day-long series of meetings with key officials from the hotel, convention center and the local visitors bureau. The purpose of the trip at this time, according to Tom Phillips, was to firm up plans while doing a detailed on-site survey of the facilities and resources for the 2014 National Antique Bottle Show.
Local Officials were very helpful and all have extensive experience hosting shows of this magnitude. Becky Trimble, Senior Convention Sales Manager, provided an in-depth tour of the exhibit hall and registration areas. This will make it possible for us to develop the most practical layout and identify secure access and unloading routes to and from the exhibit hall.

Senior Convention Sales Manager Becky Trimble (center) conducting a tour of the Lexington Center exhibit hall.
Stacey Jarboe, Hyatt’s Convention Services Manager, conducted a tour of the rooms needed for seminars, board and membership meetings, the banquet room and the room for the auction and the judged, ‘Run for the Roses’ bottle competition. Notably, all of these rooms were spacious, well-lit and were centrally and conveniently located. Considerable time was spent checking out the room where the auction and the bottle battle events will take place.

Stacey Jarboe, Hyatt Convention Services Manager, taking notes while the group describes technical and space requirements in the auction and ‘Run for the Roses’ bottle competition room.
The Lexington Convention and Visitors Bureau Director of Services, Bond Jacobs, has from the start served as an invaluable resource for identifying local services, local media contacts and tour opportunities. He had already taken the time to learn about the FOHBC before any meetings took place. His goal seems to be simple and straight-forward, stating “I just want to see everyone have a great bottle collecting experience here in Lexington.” He reminded us that the Visitors Bureau is right across the street and that (obviously) visitors are always welcome.
If you have not sent in a contract for tables or for banquet tickets, now is not too early. For up-to-date information about the 2014 National Show, please check FOHBC.org or contact Randee Kaiser or Sheldon Baugh.

This statue of horse and rider is located in the Hyatt and will greet all 2014 National Show participants attending the bottle auction and the Run for the Roses events.
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