FOHBC Board Meeting at the 2014 Lexington National Antique Bottle Show
06 August 2014

We are getting quite a few requests to start reporting on the Lexington National that occurred last weekend. Just arrived home Monday night and am sorting through hundreds of really nice photographs from Scott Selenak, our official FOHBC show photographer. I am also trying to get an article in the September | October issue of Bottles and Extras. The bulk of the reports will be in the November | December issue. This is due to the fact that the next issue is due to the printer within a week.
Read 2-Page Agenda

Let us start in the order of events. Let’s look at the FOHBC Board meeting that occurred on Friday morning, 01 August, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. We invited the new Board candidates if they were in town. Unfortunately a few Board members missed the meeting due to illness (Gene Bradberry), car accident (Dick Watson), flight connection issues (Jack Hewitt), Martin Van Zant (first day of school, he is a teacher) and a funeral (Jamie Haudeshell).
See New Board Contact Info
See New Board Bios
See FOHBC Notes of Record

Tom Phillips – outgoing FOHBC Conventions Director. Tom was responsible for setting up the Manchester, Lexington and upcoming Chattanooga and Sacramento shows.

Lexington Co-Chair, Sheldon Baugh welcoming the meeting attendees to his home state, Kentucky.

Deep concentration on meeting topics. From right to left, Gary Beatty, Steve Ketcham, John Pastor, Pam Selenak and Eric McGuire.

All Board members presented with honorary Kentucky Colonel certificate that Sheldon Baugh distributed.

Board President, Ferdinand Meyer reminding Board members to sell FOHBC logo mugs.

Lexington Show Co-Chair Randee Kaiser.

Sheldon Baugh reading a Show Souvenir Program that was distributed during the meting.

Lexington National show Co-Chair Randee Kaiser reporting on the Lexington show details.

FOHBC President, Ferdinand Meyer chairs the meeting.

Outgoing FOHBC Public Relations Director and incoming FOHBC Conventions Director, Pam Selenak.

Reviewing agenda items.

Left to Right: Randee Kaiser, Eric McGuire, Pam Selenak and John Pastor.

Long table shot.

FOHBC Treasurer, Gary Beatty reading the Show Souvenir Program.

Detail of Lexington National Show Souvenir Program.

Distributing sister organization magazine, Perfume Bottle Quarterly. They were honored at banquet.

Val Berry, incoming FOHBC Merchandise Director, taking meeting notes.

Tons of material to review.

Nice shot of Federation program and mugs.

Hands in action.

Picture of incoming FOHBC Director at Large, Bob Ferraro. Bob is moving from the First Vice President position.

Jim Berry, FOHBC Secretary and Val Berry, incoming FOHBC Merchandise Director

Outgoing Western Region Director Dave Maryo. Eric McGuire will be replacing Dave.

FOHBC Business Manager, Elizabeth Meyer. Elizabeth assumed the position early on 01 June 2014 from Alan DeMaison.

Sheldon Baugh and Jim Bender, FOHBC Membership Director.

Incoming Midwest Region Director, Matt Lacy who replaces Randee Kaiser.

Incoming FOHBC Southern Region Director, Ron Hands who replaces Jack Hewitt. Jack is Co-Chair of next years Chattanooga National.
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