FOHBC General Membership Meeting at the 2014 Lexington National Antique Bottle Show
06 August 2014
The FOHBC General Membership Meeting at the Lexington National occurred from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm on Friday, 01 August 2014. This is our traditional event to connect personally with our membership. I thought I would share a few of FOHBC Photographer, Scott Selenak’s, fine pictures. During the meeting, we gave an overview of the show, counted FOHBC election ballots, reviewed the major bullet points from the prior, 4 hour, FOHBC Board Meeting, and had a question and answer session. I thought the following comment from Dar Furda (Oak Park, California) was rather nice:
“Greetings from Southern California. The General Membership Meeting was conducted with a thrust of energy and more informative than any I have previously attended. I came away with more of an understanding of the future direction of the organization. I inhaled the idea of making the national event even more enjoyable and informative to further entice attendance during future shows.”

FOHBC Board Member and Lexington National Co-Chair Sheldon Baugh, welcoming the crowd to his home state, Kentucky.

Left to right, Cindy Maryo, Dar Furda, Bill and Bea Baab in second row. Front row is Tom Phillips, Bob Ferraro and Randee Kaiser

Federation Board Member Bob Ferraro (left) and Randee Kaiser (right), Lexington National Show Co-Chair
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