2015 Chattanooga National – FOHBC Membership Breakfast Meeting


FOHBC General Membership Meeting Breakfast:

Marriott Plaza C, 7:30 to 8:30 am


10 minutes before the doors open at 7:00 am Saturday morning.

This was the first time that we had our annual FOHBC Membership Meeting in a breakfast format. Traditionally held on Friday afternoon, after the FOHBC Board meeting, we had noticed year after year, that the meeting was poorly attended. It wasn’t a big stretch to think that this was prior to many members arriving in town, and if they were in town, maybe they were sightseeing. We all know that if you have food, more will attend. Well, that was exactly our thought so we changed the meeting to 7:30 am and invited our members at 7:00 am for an “American Dream Breakfast” which consisted of sliced seasonal fruit, assorted breakfast breads, fluffy scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, cottage fried potatoes with peppers and onions and coffee, juices etc. We guesstimated and worried that too few, or too many would come. As it turned out, we sat about 110 members and the event was a huge success. This was important as we had some important news and voting to conduct. Oddly enough, two folks even came in and ate and left before the meeting. Oh, well.


The first arrivers, the early birds or the ones that want to get in line first at the buffet. The doors opened at 7:00 am. The meeting started at 7:30 am.

At promptly 7:30 am, the meeting started. As FOHBC president, I gave the members an overview of the FOHBC board meeting the day before, discussed the present show highlights. We next addressed the FOHBC “Next Generation” plan which was originally developed in March 2014.


Federation President, Ferdinand Meyer V gives an overview of the FOHBC Next Generation initiative.

Next Generation committee chair, Jim Bender, FOHBC Historian, explained that the board has been talking about FOHBC memberships and membership rates for about three years now. After research, it was determined that the Federation was just about breaking even financially with a membership that includes our 72-page magazine, BOTTLES and EXTRAS (76 pages with covers). Most clubs have discontinued the expensive printed magazine due again to printing costs and ever rising postal charges.

As a result, it was recommended that membership rates be increased as follows: Regular second class membership: $40 (was $30), second class membership: $55 (was $45), Canada membership: $60 (was $50), Other Countries: $80 (was $65), Clubs: $75 (same), 3-Year membership, second class: $110 (was $75), Digital membership: $25, (Associate membership will continue at $5; Not available with Life or Digital Membership). Discussion occurred and a vote was taken. Members present approved the cost increase unanimously.

There was also a vote to for Re-Institution of Life Membership. The committee has been working on this for quite some time. This type of membership has to appeal to everyone. Three possible levels of Life Membership were recommended. These levels were reviewed and discussed by Board members. The levels are as follows: Level 1: $1,000, Includes all benefits of a regular membership. No promise of a printed magazine for life. Level 2: $500, Includes all benefits of a regular membership but you will not receive a printed magazine, but rather a digital subscription. Note: In the future, a Level 1 could become a Level 2. Level 3: Earned or Honoree. The Board would have the option of bestowing an honorary Life Membership. This person would continue to join the FOHBC at the regular membership rate. The Board will determine how this honor is earned. Our membership voted and again this was unanimously approved.

Rate increases will occur on 01 September 2015 as will re-instituting Life Memberships.

Membership Rate Increase Announcement



*All photographs by Mallory Boyle

Federation Secretary, Jim Berry taking notes.


The line seemed to move rather quickly serving from both sides.


Fresh fruit, a nice way to start the day.


Assorted breakfast breads


It seems like most were in good spirits getting ready for a full day of antique bottles.


Tom and Mabel Hicks


Diggin’ in


About 110 capacity crowd.


Richard King (left) and Keith McIntyre


FOHBC board members Matt Lacy (left) and Andrew Vuono


Bob Watson takes a moment to pose


Western Region Director Eric McGuire and his wife Lisa.


The line went out the room at one point.


Rapt attention and thought.


Working the crowd


Ed Provine pouring coffee


All smiles for the camera