Houston 24 Expo – FOHBC Bi-Annual Board Meeting


Twice a year the FOHBC Board meets for three to four hours to go over Federation business, operations, membership, finances, projects and a number of things that are relevant to the antique bottle and glass collecting hobby. Our last sit-down was at Reno 2022 as we now meet online using Zoom. This year FOHBC president Michael Seeliger had a packed agenda. We started precisely at 8:00 am and went to near noon with one break. Our meeting was on the 11th floor of Hotel ZaZa in Room with a View. This meeting was interesting as the board members went into the meeting with one title, and in some cases, had a new position title after the Expo. To see a list of current FOHBC board members click here. To read board member bios click here. Notice that we have one position open. Meeting notes will be posted by secretary, Alice Seeliger, in short order. All photography by Gina Pellegrini-Ott, official Houston 24 Expo photographer.

Click here to read the Meeting Agenda

Thursday 01 August 2024

FOHBC Board Meeting • Thursday morning 01 August 2024 [8:00 to 11:30 am] Hotel ZaZa Museum District | Room with a View | The semi-annual FOHBC board meeting will occur on Thursday morning at Hotel ZaZa at Room with a View. FOHBC members are welcome as non-participating guests. An agenda for the meeting will be posted on the FOHBC website before the meeting. In addition, a video conference portal will be established for remote attendance.

FOHBC president, Michael Seeliger, seated at the head of the table. All board members were present with two absent. Par Hars from Connecticut (seated along wall) was introduced as a guest.

FOHBC president Michael Seeliger wearing a FOHBC president name tag, denim cap, the Houston 24 “Together Again” three blue bitters shirt and the Houston 24 souvenir lanyard—with the new FOHBC pen.

Another view of the board members seated around the table. The flat screen made it easy to follow each agenda item in the meeting.

Yet another photo of board members seated around the long table.

FOHBC president, Michael Seeliger and Kathie Craig, FOHBC treasurer. This looks to be the financial part of the meeting.

The board meeting was led by Federation president, Michael Seeliger, seated left at the head of the table. Alice Seeliger, secretary, on the right.

Hotel ZaZa Museum District provided breakfast pastries, fresh fruit and coffee service straight from the Monarch cafe on the first floor. You can see the Houston Central Business District in the distance.

Fresh croissants with pastries to start the meeting off.

An attentive group focused on the agenda prepared by Federation president, Michael Seeliger (hidden, seated far end right).

Looking over the shoulder of Federation secretary, Alice Seeliger.

Freshly-made pastries from the Monarch at Hotel ZaZa.

Left to Right: Craig Cassetta outgoing conventions director–incoming marketing director, Tom Lines, southern region director, Charlie Martin Jr., northeast region director and Brian Bingham, outgoing FOHBC historian–incoming FOHBC membership director.

Freshly printed and right out of the box Houston 24 Bayou City Sunset Auction catalogs and the Houston 2024 Souvenir Program.

Read the Houston 24 Souvenir Program

Ferdinand Meyer V (outgoing director at large—incoming special projects director) sitting next to Bella Meyer, Youth Ambassador. Looking over the shoulder of Charlie Martin Jr.

Edie Alucema (left) and Addy Meyer (Team Houston) stop by for a quick introduction and thanks. They were off to the Houston Museum of Natural Science as Houston 24 Expo registration started at 9:00 am.

Brian Bingham (outgoing FOHBC historian–incoming membership director) looks at the first packaged hardbound book “Select highlights from the David P. Wilber and Anthony Gugliotti Barber Bottle Collections.” The book was printed for the Houston 24 Expo.

The first examples of the two museum-quality hard bound books printed to correspond with the two exhibitions at the Houston Museum of Natural Science that was occurring at 1:00 pm.

Fresh fruit provided by Hotel ZaZa.

Left to Right: Western region director, Eric McGuire, Midwest region director, Henry Hecker, and Houston 24 team member Brad Dalton, Texas Hold ’em event coordinator.

Left to Right: Craig Cassetta outgoing conventions director–incoming marketing director, Tom Lines, Southern Region Director, Charlie Martin Jr., northeast region director, Brian Bingham, outgoing FOHBC historian–incoming FOHBC membership director and Richard Siri, director-at-large.

The new FOHBC pens were distributed to board members.

Looking up the table starting at the far end.

The meeting was also on Zoom which allowed the FOHBC to project imagery on a large flat screen provided by Hotel ZaZa. Pictured Ferdinand Meyer V and his Apple computer.

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