I wanted to take a moment to add a special thanks to Bill Meier for helping the FOHBC with the new FOHBC Web Site. Bill has worked behind the scenes and helped in areas I am learning such as HTML coding and developing forms like the nice ones he developed for the Individual and Affiliated Club Membership Applications, Submit Your Show and FOHBC Merchandise. Bill is also hosting the site on his server, has been instrumental in sending out email blasts and is running the FOHBC Memphis Online Auction! Thanks Bill!
A little background information from Bill:
Bill Meier has a BSES in Computer Science from Tufts University and is a software engineer with over 35 years of experience. Over the last 15 years Bill has focused on web technologies from web page design to dynamic web sites driven by scripts and databases. Bill’s passion, which he shares with his wife Jill, is collecting glass insulators and specializing in items made by the Hemingray Glass Company. They are life time members of the National Insulator Association. Bill is the creator/manager of “ICON” (Insulator Collectors On the Net) and the associated web site www.insulators.info. They live in Carlisle, MA with their two cats, Hemi and Amber.