Wyatt Earp’s Northern Saloon and Tonopah, Nevada

Covers for the last nine issues of Bottles and Extras, the flagship magazine of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors
Ferdinand Meyer V | FOHBC President
As a design and image consultant, I have to admit that I enjoy putting together and designing the covers for the FOHBC Bottles and Extras each issue. It usually involves looking at the great articles within, the quality of the available artwork and the family of covers that make up the movement to update and rejuvenate the magazine.
The November | December 2013 issue is with the printer in Missouri and you can look forward to the following:
Bottles and Extras
Vol. 24 No. 6 | November – December 2013 | No. 210
Features: Collecting Hotel Restaurant Ware Bill Baab 10 The Early Druggists of Jasper County – George B. Hogan and the Druggists on the South Side of the Square Mark C. Wiseman 18 South Carolina Bottle Collecting History, A Reminiscence of 53 Years of Bottle Collecting in South Carolina, Part 4 of 4 Harvey S. Teal 30 Wyatt Earp’s Northern Saloon and Tonopah, Nevada Mike Polak 42 Junior Carl Sturm – A Tribute from his Many Friends Bill Baab 50 The Search For Dr. Slack Don Fritschel 56
Vignettes: Shards of Wisdom 4
Departments: FOHBC Officer Listing 2012-2014 2 President’s Message 3 FOHBC News 6 Who Do I Contact at the FOHBC? 62 Classified Ads & Ad Rate Info 63 Membership Directory 66 FOHBC Show-Biz, Show Calendar Listings 67 Membership Application 72
I thought I would take a moment to highlight the fine article that Michael Polak wrote called Wyatt Earp’s Northern Saloon and Tonopah, Nevada. There was some nice accompanying art that was a challenge and interesting to work with in layers to create the eventual cover. Of course every cover does not get as complex as this example. The last issue for the Manchester National used one image, that of Jeff and Holly Noordsy’s great display of New England glass taken by Scott Selenak. Sometimes one image captures the entire magazine content as that issue was a special issue.

Cover background historical image of Main Street, Tonopah, Nevada. Image was modified and tinted. More sky was added. The image was used at 100% saturation.

Nice photograph of the Northern Saloon bottles found in the excavation. Image converted to 40% transparency in PhotoShop and placed over Main Street image shown above.

Pattern of cracked or aged leather. Image placed over bottles and Main Street images using a 11% transparency.

Historical Wyatt Earp document placed over the aged lester, bottles and Main Street using a 19% transparency.

All layers of art for the cover without any graphics and typography which come next. Note that you can see each image above in the desired, measured amount.

Isolation of the graphics components for the cover. I usually ‘doctor’ the Bottles and Extras’ logo with a color to go with the background image. In this case, a soft rose gradient was used. The background ‘crest’ uses a soft leather gradient. The ‘and’ ribbon was textured for the first time with a gold leaf. Shadows were added to assist readability.

Historical Wyatt Earp portrait is framed with a gold leaf oval. This pronounces the image on the cover. The gold ties in to the ribbon in the Bottles and Extras logo.
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