The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors (FOHBC) cordially invites you to join a dedicated group of individuals and clubs who collect, study, and display antique bottles and glass.
* Digital application form for online submittal below (preferred) *
Printable Version at Bottom of Page (for mailing)
The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors (FOHBC) is a non-profit organization supporting antique bottle and glass collecting. The goal of the FOHBC is to promote the collection, study, preservation and display of historical bottles and related artifacts and to share this information with other collectors and individuals. Membership is open to any individual, club or institution interested in the enjoyment and study of antique bottles and glass. Membership benefits include:
–Antique Bottle & Glass Collector (AB&GC), the official publication of FOHBC and the leading publication for those interested in antique bottle and glass collecting and all associated ephemera. Annual subscription includes 6 issues (bi-monthly) of this all-color, 72-page plus covers publication. (Digital memberships also available.)
–Free classified advertising in AB&GC. Ads may be up to 100 words for items of $25 or greater value; and one free ad of 60 words each year For Sale, Wanted, or For Trade. (Restrictions apply and free ads are limited to the first received for available space.) Ads appear on the FOHBC website also. See page 72.
–, a comprehensive website dedicated to the organization and hobby, providing access through the Members Portal to the latest news in the collecting world, Membership Directory, archived magazine issues, indexed articles, Federation meeting minutes and announcements, and a vast assortment of research material. Visit Home Page.
–Virtual Museum of Historical Bottles and Glass, the most comprehensive antique bottle and glass experience on the Internet. Spinning images of museum-quality examples of antique bottles and glass, including well-researched history of the manufacture, distribution, and use of each item. Visit the Virtual Museum.
–Auction Price Report, an online resource which includes the sale price and description of anything auctioned by the top antique bottle and glass auction houses in the past decade. Easy to use. Updated annually. (Password protected.) More Information.
–National Shows and Conventions, featuring displays, educational seminars, membership meetings, social events, and banquet with interesting speakers, all centered around a first-class sale event. Members are eligible for discounts on “Early Admission” or table rental.
–Newsletter, digital presentation of periodic postings to keep FOHBC members up to date on current issues affecting the hobby.
Affiliated Bottle Club Membership brings these additional benefits to your group:
–Federation-sponsored Insurance Program for your show and any other club-sponsored activities. (Application required for each event.) Value of this is many times more than the cost of club membership.
–Club Display Ad in AB&GC at discount of 50%.
–Free Club Show Ad on the Federation website to increase your show’s exposure.
–Free Links to Club Website; Social Media (Facebook) exposure.
–Free Federation Ribbons for Best in Show and Most Educational display at your show.
For more information, questions, or to join the FOHBC, please contact: Michael Seeliger, President and Interim Membership Director, N8211 Smith Road, Brooklyn, WI 53521; phone: 608-575-2922 or email:
You can join FOHBC or renew their membership in one of two ways:
1) Fill out the following form (see below) and pay via PayPal. You will be redirected to that page after you complete the form.
2) Print out the Individual Application and fill it in. Write a check or money order for the appropriate amount made out to The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors and mail it with the completed form to:
For any questions or if you prefer to pay by credit card via telephone contact:
Michael Seeliger
President and Interim Membership Director
N 8211 Smith Road, Brooklyn, Wisconsin 53521
(if no answer please leave a message)